Sphinx extension

Document your config

Having a well-documented config greatly improves the user experience of your application. If you are documenting your Python project using Sphinx (which you should), you can use Cyra’s build-in Sphinx extension to automatically generate documentation for your config.

Configure Sphinx

To use the Cyradoc Sphinx extension, you have to specify it in your conf.py. Make sure Cyra as well as all dependencies required to import your config class are installed in the Python environment from which you are running Sphinx.

extensions = [

Cyradoc directive

To generate documentation for your config, use the .. cyradoc:: directive with the path to the config class specified.

.. cyradoc:: mymodule.config.Config

Cyradoc will insert your config as toml-formatted code blocks (see the example below).

If you have added 1_getting_started:Docstrings to your config, Cyradoc splits your config into multiple blocks and adds the docstrings in between.

If your config class has a docstring it will be added to the top, as well.

If you dont want to include any docstrings, use the :no-docstrings: flag.

.. cyradoc:: mymodule.config.Config


Here I created a sample config class for a fictional application.

Using the .. cyradoc:: Sphinx directive a documented version of the config file can be inserted into any Sphinx documentation.

Specify your welcome message here

msg = "Hello World" # Cyra says hello

Configure your database here.


Keep your credentials secret!

[DATABASE] # SQL Database settings
server = "" # DB server address
port = 1443 # SQL port (default: 1443)
username = "admin" # Credentials
password = "my_secret_password"
enabled = true # DB connection enabled

Here you can add all the servers you want to observe.


  • alpha

  • beta

[SERVERS] # Servers to be monitored
ip = "" # Server IP address
enable = true # Set to false to disable server access
priority = 1 # Server priority
users = ["ThetaDev", "Clary"] # Users to be handled

ip = "" # Server IP address
enable = false # Set to false to disable server access
priority = 2 # Server priority
users = ["ThetaDev"] # Users to be handled

You can have arbitrary dictionaries as config options, too.

[DICT] # Arbitrary dictionary
key1 = "V1"
key2 = "V2"
key3 = "V3"

keyA1 = "VA1"
keyA2 = "VA2"

keyB1 = "VB1"
keyB2 = "VB2"


import cyra

class Config(cyra.Config):
    Here I created a sample config class for a fictional application.

    Using the ``.. cyradoc::`` Sphinx directive
    a documented version of the config file can be inserted into
    any Sphinx documentation.

    builder = cyra.ConfigBuilder()

    builder.docstring('Specify your welcome message here')

    builder.comment('Cyra says hello')
    msg = builder.define('msg', 'Hello World')

    Configure your **database** here.

    .. warning::
      Keep your credentials secret!

    builder.comment('SQL Database settings')
    builder.comment('DB server address')
    server = builder.define('server', '')
    builder.comment('SQL port (default: 1443)')
    port = builder.define('port', 1443)
    user = builder.define('username', 'admin')
    pwd = builder.define('password', 'my_secret_password')
    builder.comment('DB connection enabled')
    dben = builder.define('enabled', True)

    Here you can add all the servers you want to observe.


    - alpha
    - beta

    builder.comment('Servers to be monitored')

    builder.comment('Server IP address')
    ip_a = builder.define('ip', '')
    builder.comment('Set to false to disable server access')
    en_a = builder.define('enable', True)
    builder.comment('Server priority')
    prio_a = builder.define('priority', 1)
    builder.comment('Users to be handled')
    users_a = builder.define('users', ['ThetaDev', 'Clary'])

    builder.comment('Server IP address')
    ip_b = builder.define('ip', '')
    builder.comment('Set to false to disable server access')
    en_b = builder.define('enable', False)
    builder.comment('Server priority')
    prio_b = builder.define('priority', 2)
    builder.comment('Users to be handled')
    users_b = builder.define('users', ['ThetaDev'])

    You can have arbitrary dictionaries as config options, too.
    builder.comment('Arbitrary dictionary')

    xdict = builder.define('DICT', {
        'key1': 'V1',
        'key2': 'V2',
        'key3': 'V3',
        'keyA': {
            'keyA1': 'VA1',
            'keyA2': 'VA2',
        'keyB': {
            'keyB1': 'VB1',
            'keyB2': 'VB2',